We play


and you

can too!

Check out our lovely little website for more info about us and how you can become a part of what we do.

A bit about us

We were born (July 2012) out of a need for a ukulele group that people can come along to as little or often as they like, play some songs, have a laugh, improve their uke skills and make some new friends too. We tick all those boxes, and a few more too. 
Our whole ethos is one of inclusivity (I just checked, it is a word!) and we’re open to one and all; novice, amateur and genius alike. We’ll always have enough room for a few more uke enthusiasts. People who have never played a ukulele before have been along and they’ve kept coming back! You can even use one of our ukuleles if you don’t yet own one.
On a quiet night there are in the region of 20 players thrashing out tunes on our ukes, on a busy night you are looking at 40+. Everyone is really friendly and newcomers always comment on what a great atmosphere we have in the place. If you are a little bit apprehensive about joining a group like this then why not just come along and have a listen undercover first. 

We're always happy to share the expertise

Starting out in a new interest can be a bit daunting, lots of 'whats?', 'hows?' and 'whys?'. Quite a lot of people in our group have never played an instrument before picking up a ukulele. We know, what, how and why.... mostly! Just for starters there are a load of ukulele makers out there (some better than others) and they come in 4 sizes just to make things nice and easy! One of the good things about our group is the fact that you can get your hands on all types of ukulele every week, our members are very nice like that.

You can get advice from some of our seasoned veterans on everything from choosing your first uke, how to re-string your instrument, good local uke friendly shops (we are on particularly good terms with a local shop, a special handshake gets you discount on your purchases...) and basic stuff like how to hold your uke properly or even tune it.

Come join the melee!

Any questions? Call Kev on 07875 093 214

Email wirralukulelefanatics@hotmail.co.uk

Every Tuesday at 8.00pm

Banks Road . West Kirby
Wirral . CH48 3HU

Call the pub if you get lost, if we're playing we may not hear the phone! 0151 625 4063